Monday, November 28, 2011

Photography this weekend

Photographed a Fender American Telecaster Deluxe in the studio this weekend.  Used Alien Bee with shoot through umbrella, Lumopro LP 160 flash and reflector card.  Like the drama of the B&W.  Wish I had gotten a little more light on the head stock.  Practice makes perfect.

Also photographed my flash, late day sun. Like the shadow of the bike eon the wall.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Maybe in Reading...??

Came across this post on Desert Air Blog.  Well worth a look.


Love the idea of Made in America.  Maybe it's time to revisit this idea.  Buy local. It applies to food and it can apply to many other things.  It is a great way to support our local economy, help our skilled craftsmen and revitalize our US economy.

I'm already supporting local food producers.  What else could we do?

Lots of skills here in Reading.  I'm sitting here wondering what could we do here to tap into the vast underutilized pool of talent here...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Visiting Montana

My wife and I recently went out to Montana to visit my son at MSU in Bozeman.  We spent a week; first vacation in a long time.  Bozeman is a spectacular place and a really fun town.  While there we took a short drive to Yellowstone (just an hour and a half away). It was the last week to visit the park before they closed it for about a month prior to the winter season.  Perfect timing... we practically had to place to ourselves!  I took a few shots while I was there:

Single Frame approaching Fountain Paint Pot, Lower Geyser Basin.

Panorama Lower Geyser Basin near Fountain Paint Pots.

Something new; a vertical panorama of Fountain Paint Pots.

More shots on my web site:
Montana Images.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Very Funny French Condom Commercial

Came across this really funny French commercial.  Oh those French!

View the Commercial

Good review by Stephen Yolland too.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011