Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

The LA Wolfpack Hustle Marathon Crash Race

Love this video!

As the city sleeps, hundreds of cyclists gather at 3AM to compete in one of the largest under- ground urban bike races in the world. The Wolfpack Hustle Marathon Crash Race. During the early hours of the morning, the LA Marathon course is closed off to vehicle traffic in preparation for the foot race. 26 miles of LA streets with zero cars – a cyclists dream becomes reality!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Maplethorpe Style Flowers

I was reading about Robert Maplethorpe again recently and looking at some of his images of flowers.  He is truly a master of photography that I admire.  I was inspired  to take a few shots of the tulips I got for my wife on our 30th wedding anniversary.

Robert Mapplethorpe (November 4, 1946 – March 9, 1989) was an American photographer, known for his large-scale, highly stylized black and white portraits, photos of flowers and nude men. The frank homoeroticism of some of the work of his middle period triggered a more general controversy about the public funding of artworks.

See his work here:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ray Barton Racing Engines Photography

I recently spent  several days photographing racing engines and parts for Ray and Dave Barton.  What a blast.  Great guys.  Used on location studio lights (Alien Bee and LomoPro160 combination)  Also had a chance to use the McNally 24" Lumoquest soft box.  Really did good things for the shadows.

Seventeen, count 'em, seventeen engines!
Took this panorama from a fork lift up near the ceiling!

Ira Glass on the Creative Process

Interesting post.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Goodbye Kodak

Kodak files for bankruptcy on January 23, 2012.  On the day when just about every photographer over 30 pauses to consider Kodak's filing for bankruptcy, a poignant video. The once-dominant company obviously knew it was already in trouble at this point, but still came out swinging in a refreshing appeal to the future.

Considering this was made in 2006 (and how quickly things have happened since) the video was pretty darn prescient. In the end, all of these things did happen. Just without the need for Kodak.

Five year old reviews logos.

A little off topic for this blog but a great idea and presentation.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012