Friday, February 17, 2012

Maplethorpe Style Flowers

I was reading about Robert Maplethorpe again recently and looking at some of his images of flowers.  He is truly a master of photography that I admire.  I was inspired  to take a few shots of the tulips I got for my wife on our 30th wedding anniversary.

Robert Mapplethorpe (November 4, 1946 – March 9, 1989) was an American photographer, known for his large-scale, highly stylized black and white portraits, photos of flowers and nude men. The frank homoeroticism of some of the work of his middle period triggered a more general controversy about the public funding of artworks.

See his work here:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ray Barton Racing Engines Photography

I recently spent  several days photographing racing engines and parts for Ray and Dave Barton.  What a blast.  Great guys.  Used on location studio lights (Alien Bee and LomoPro160 combination)  Also had a chance to use the McNally 24" Lumoquest soft box.  Really did good things for the shadows.

Seventeen, count 'em, seventeen engines!
Took this panorama from a fork lift up near the ceiling!

Ira Glass on the Creative Process

Interesting post.