Friday, September 23, 2011

Using Adobe LightRoom

Well I spent a few days on the Eastern Shore photographing during the 2011 Delmarva Bike Week.  I had an assignment for Hot Bike magazine and also photographed two additional bikes.  I did some general coverage of the event including some of the music; found a great group Lower Case Blues, (more on that later).  I also went to see Tyler and Thrill Kill Jill perform their Lucky DareDevil Thrillshow.

Anyway I came home with a bunch of images. I took this opportunity to process my photos in LightRoom which I am still exploring.  There are presets for effects that ship with the application and there are more available online.  This is a great resource to get started:  ProPhoto Top 10 List   I downloaded some from the Adobe ADOBE Exchange.  Some are free and some you have to purchase.  I've only tried the free stuff so far.

Here are some examples; 

Touch of Blue preset


Touch of Blue preset

Killer Vintage Look preset

You may need to do a little tweaking to your photos after the preset is applied but it's  a great place to start and they have been lots of fun to play around with.  You could get the same effects without the presets but using them as a starting point is much quicker and may give you some ideas to try that you might not otherwise think of.

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